Meet the socialist college student standing in the General Election

Adam protesting against the slaughter in Gaza

Adam Gillman is standing in the General Election in Reading Central for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC). At 18, he is one of the youngest candidates standing in the country. Adam has been active in the local trade union movement for a number of years, visiting picket lines and organising demonstrations.

Adam is a member of Socialist Students, a national organisation fighting for free education and a decent future for young people. He campaigned in his college for students to have the right to discuss socialist ideas.

Adam will be part of an anti-war, socialist challenge to the main parties alongside 39 other TUSC candidates nationally. He will be campaigning for concrete policies to improve young people’s lives, including:

  • Scrapping tuition fees and cancelling all student debt
  • Mass trade union struggle for a £15-an-hour minimum wage with no exceptions for age and inflation-proof pay rises for all
  • A mass programme of environmentally-friendly council house building, democratically set rent controls, and an end to no-fault evictions
  • The right to vote and stand in elections at 16

Adam says: “I’m standing to give a voice to young people who are horrified at the war in Gaza and suffering from the cost-of-living crisis. The main parties don’t work for us, so we need working-class, socialist MPs that will.”

If elected, Adam would only take the average wage of a skilled worker in Reading.

Those interested in getting involved can contact the campaign at 07403 057140.

The campaign has organised a pre-election rally where Adam will be speaking:
Tuesday 2nd July, 7:30pm
Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC), London Street, Reading, RG1 4PS

Socialist Students says:

  • End the student housing crisis
    Introduce rent controls in all student accommodation. For socialist MPs who take on dodgy private landlords.
  • End the student cost-of-living crisis
    Replace maintenance loans with maintenance grants which cover all living costs. Scrap tuition fees, cancel all student debt – make the super-rich pay.
  • Stop war and occupation! End the siege of Gaza
    Workers and young people internationally: unite and fight the capitalist warmongers!
  • Combat climate change
    Carry out a massive switch to green energy NOW! Take the energy companies under democratic public ownership, to be run by workers and not the bosses.
  • Fight for socialism
    For the banks, monopolies and major industries to be owned and run by the working class to meet people’s needs, not the profits of the super-rich.

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